Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sequel

So if you recall 'what's for dinner?' last Monday, same answer tonight. A sequel can never be a carbon copy though. You have to mix it up, take a few risks, see what happens.

HEY MOM! Is olive oil still the trick for frying pan chicken if you go with some fiery 5 pepper seasoning?
"Yes, olive oil is magic. Always works."
Ok. What about throwing some black beans into the mix with the broccoli & squash?
"If you have spicy chicken to go with it that should be fine."

As you might expect with a sequel... It's never as good as the original. 
Stick with the original recipe. 

Lessons learned: just because you need to get rid of an ingredient, doesn't mean you can toss it into your dish. 

Personal performance: C-
The black beans worked, but not well. Just did too much. Turned the plate into a mound of mushy mess. 

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