Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Game Changer

I don't mean to overstate what I'm about to share with you, but I might be saving your relationship right now. You see the beauty of the microwave menu is you unwrap the plastic and throw it away. Beautiful system for us lazy young men. The major flaw of cooking like a grown up is it creates this..

I'm sure all of us at some point in our lives have lived with this person. I myself am this person. This has without a doubt caused a riff in a relationship at some point in your life. And the problem is there is no solution. Nobody likes doing dishes. Men are lazy and think dishes are women's work. Women have made up rules of "I cooked, you clean" to get out of dishes. Parents have made dishes a chore for generations because they have the power to force the poor kids to do the dishes. Beans even tried to chop her finger off just to get out of dishes! Simply put, dishes are miserable. But in order to cook, you must clean. So here is my how to guide to make MOM (and all other important ladies in your life) happy...

1. Personal pet peeve.
These are dishes.
This is a dishwasher.

These are pots.
This is a pot washer.

Let's keep it that way. I know its a lot easier to stick the pots in the dishwasher, get over it. Wash the pots.

2. My Pops goes overboard with the pre-wash and dish organization but the concept is solid. Line up like dishes with like dishes and it's much easier to empty the thing. Hence it gets emptied and dirty dishes don't pile up in queue. Also, if the thing is full, no need to jam 3 more things into it. It's not the last life boat off the Titanic, wait for the next load.

3. Finally, dishes are never going to be fun. But what I have found this year is this. Double sinks are a must, have plenty of counter space for drying, and put a TV right in front of you. Grind through. You will have kids you will force this task upon one day.

You're Welcome, in advance.